Color Positive is proud to announce its first LGBT Fashion Calendar. Conceptualized by Jafer Ali Munshi, our fashion director and our commercial photographer Nirali Shah.

Time & Location
May 31, 2020, 6:00 PM
About the event
@color.positive presents a big reveal on Zoom at 6pm on Sunday, 31st May, 2020 Here is the link - An online live event by @Color.positive Hosted by @the_mad_bai - Niki Ray
@color.positive 's founder, director @savio1818 With our star of Fashion @Jaferalimunshi our very own Fashion Director, choreographer and Stylist.
The very special @nirali.11 - Nirali Madhusudan Shah
With our twelve winners of the pageant #MsKing and #MsCongeniality 2020 @neeti_u #MrKing 2020 Winner @itsmr_somesh 1st Runner up @classyyo and 2nd Runner up @sachinjadhav33 #MrQueen 2020 @_aesthete_jay #MsQueen 2020 Esha Rathod #MxKing 2020 Winner @passionate_pro 1st Runner up @samar_katkar and 2nd Runner up @arjunsinghanu
#MxQueen 2020 Winner @rexyitis 1st Runner up @1aaliyaitis and 2nd Runner up @harshature_official
This would never have been possible without a team effort which includes @sarvesha.adv @ajinkyaaditya @yogee_a_m Yogendra Mule and @Pujapandey143k Pooja Pandey.
And also the make up and hair team Nisha Gupta @nishaa.guptaa and Vatsala Bhagat @miroirbyvatsalabhagat
Catch us with a Big Reveal on Sunday